May 4, 2010

Taxi-Viagra commercial

As uncomfortable and awkward as these commercials may be for some people, you know what... Viagra really doesn't care, we are not the target market! As an older gentleman or an older lady, there is no shame at all in using such a product. In fact, by using Viagra, life can only get better. I think Taxi does a great job adding some wit and humor to a target market that is not often advertised to in such a way. After all, after a certain age, advertising geared towards you may tend to be depressing, and almost insulting. These are cheerful, funny ads with a clear message: enjoy yourself, take Viagra! Well done to Taxi for executing such a creative campaign.

May 3, 2010

72 and Sunny-Discovery Channel

There are many people today, who don't have much of an interest in the world we live in, nothing wrong with that. I too, tend to have similar feelings when it comes to nature and "outdoorsy" activities, but after watching this ad created by Mother for the Discovery Channel, this beautiful compilation of everything our Planet has to offer, it makes me want to explore. To me, this is one of the best ads I have seen all semester in terms of its message. Again, not necessarily promoting the channel, but just making a statement that the world around us is so vast; go out and see for yourself. It definitely makes me want to see some of the most unique parts of nature, and really appreciate all the world has to offer. So, well done Mother and the Discovery Channel, you got my backing.

Droga5-UNICEF Tap Project

As I mentioned earlier in my blog, I am just amazed by the organization and commitment from Droga5 and its partners to launch such a successful campaign. Having just recently seen the making of the project, and the enormous results it generated, this is an example of a socially responsible ad which has taken responsibility to a new level by quantifying it. Not only are they sending out a good message, but children around the world are being taken care off, and even saved. A great campaign and an excellent message.

May 2, 2010

Strawberry Frog-Heineken commercial

After going through Strawberry Frog's website, I have to say, out of all the agencies we have studied, the work from Strawberry Frog is some of my favorite. The Sprint campaign, all the Heineken ads, even their work for clients in financial services, such a Morgan Stanley, were all extremely creative, but completely to the point. In fact, I was really impressed to see on their website, Strawberry Frog even has some results from certain campaigns. However, my favorite of the bunch was obviously the Heineken ad I have attached. Clever, witty, and again, I had no idea what the product was till the very end, but was desperate to find out. Overall, I would say just a great agency, with some really neat work for an array of clients, and I will definitely be keeping a tab on them in the future.

Mother-Stella Artois commercial

Very, very different from your "wazaaa", swear jar and "dude" beer ads seen here in the US. It fascinates me how virtually the same product can be marketed so differently across countries. For instance, if this ad (which ran in London), ran in the US, would it be the same? If so, why? If not, why not? A lot of intriguing questions to look at when comparing international advertising. However, for this particular spot, to me the main observation was that a large portion of this ad is in French, yet the ad ran in London. I find this incredibly impressive because it means the ad was well directed and strategic to the point where verbal communication was unnecessary. There is no need to talk about the beer or anything else. We all know once that when "Mr. Piano" saves the day, he wants to relax with a nice Stella Artois: simple as that, no language necessary.

May 1, 2010

Secret Weapon Marketing-Jack in the Box

A completely clean and funny ad, with some obvious connotations: nothing wrong with that, especially not if you consider your target audience, because I am SURE they would find this commercial funny. The only people I really know that go to Jack in the Box and ENJOY it are young college males whose number one priority is cheap food and number two is food available at all times. This just happens to be exactly what Jack in the Box caters to. While this isn't necessarily my favorite Jack in the Box commercial, it shows a different side to Fast Food advertising, which reiterates the close-knit relationship so many consumers have with "Jack".

Rethink- Playland

Having never heard of Playland till the other day, it is difficult to understand to fully understand the product. However, I think this commercial does a pretty good job for its intended target. I am just making a wise guess, but I assume people who enjoy theme parks don't mind some being silly once in a while, and certainly know what they are getting in to (at least they should!). This ad, humorously, yet effectively shows people's reactions after riding on Playland rides. Personally, I am no fan of amusement parks so I found it a bit silly, but I know that if I went on rides and were willing to let a roller coaster control my vision, I would definitely see the excitement in Playland attractions.