Dec 2, 2009

And I don't even like football

The first time I saw this commercial, I sat there in awe. I actually got goosebumps... while sitting in class. As an extra credit question in my advertising research class, we watched this video and had to construct a "core value pyramid". Disregarding the assignment for a moment, I just thought to myself "wow", this makes me want to go out and kick some ass while wearing Nike Pro. And you know what the crazy part is? I don't even like Nike!! Growing up, one of my best friend's dad was the CMO of Adidas, so obviously I had my allegiance set to that brand. While I've always acknowledged Nike and admired the "Just Do It" slogan, Adidas has been my preference... until I saw this ad. Being a prospective member of the advertising industry, I do have brand loyalties, but the artistic beauty of this commercial (at least to me), which creates a sense of triumph, just makes me admire Nike so much more. I guess what I'm trying to say is next time I enter a Sports Authority, I won't mind strolling down the aisle with the big "swoosh" on top...

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