Oct 13, 2009

Service begins at home

When I lived in Poland, my mom was heavily involved in an organization whose mission was to help children with Cancer. Having no previous experience in volunteering, she became very passionate and a big advocate for these children, since in the mid 90s, the concept of volunteering in Poland was almost non-existent. But according to my Grandfather's beliefs, this was seen as "time wasted" when she should have been at home taking care of her own children. 

My brother was four, my sister was a few months old, and I was seven, but never once did my brother or I complain about what our mom was doing. We never had this idea, even at such a young age, that she was doing us a disservice by helping other children. In fact, it was during this time in my childhood where I realized the importance of helping others and being so grateful for what I have in my life. 

So while I agree with the fact that service begins at home, I also feel that by helping those in need, this sets a good example at home for the rest of your family.

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